04 March 2009
I thought our T Train (mis)adventure was the unnerving and jittery experience that we had in China, but taking the subway station in Shanghai during rush hour on our way back was far worse than I expected.

As the train pulled into People's Square station we stood up on the door preparing to exit, but as soon it opened we were caught by surprise and found ourselves pushed and prodded down by hastening commuters flooding the door. I kept a firm hold on HB's right arm like a powerful leech. I was terrified that I might collapse in suffocation as we fought through tumultuous vortex of locals to get out of the train. We were being crushed and unable to move. Everyone was like fighting for their lives to board and to disembark the train. Imagine, we saw a man who was not supposed to get off but was forcibly driven out of the vehicle. hahaha
THANK GOD, WE WERE ABLE TO GET OUT IN ONE PIECE. I've never in my life experienced anything like this.
crowds were like mushrooms popping up everywhere

Only one word that could fit to describe the scene, DIABOLICAL! Honestly because of this incident, I now have a slight fear of crowds.
If you're in Shanghai, just remember to keep away during RUSH HOURS to avoid dealing with the traffic surge.
Now, don't say I never warned you. ;)